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Go down DC64 - Division beta chat archive Empty DC64 - Division beta chat archive

Post by Buzzrek Sun Jan 31, 2016 10:27 pm

Hey all,

I'm simply archiving our DC64 chat logs here in one place for easier reference. CMStewart had an idea for creating an event at the DC64 page and using the chat within the event for discussion. That may prove to be more convenient, especially for players that didn't play the beta, but, are still considering to get their own copy of the The Division. Next post (probably tonight) will include said archive of previous comments. I will intentionally leave out all of the talk about trying to obtain free beta promo keys as they don't involve actual gameplay input, etc.

- Buzz


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Join date : 2016-01-31

Back to top Go down DC64 - Division beta chat archive Empty Re: DC64 - Division beta chat archive

Post by Buzzrek Mon Feb 01, 2016 4:26 am

Vikesrule911  6 days ago
Anyone else sign up for the beta for The Division?

CMStewart  6 days ago
I signed up for the Division beta. I should've just dropped the $5 to pre-order and guarantee a code, but I wanted to check out the beta to figure out if I want to buy it.

SublminalMessage  6 days ago
@CMStewart preorder it on Amazon and you'll get instant access to the beta. Then you can cancel the Amazon preorder until you're sure if you like it or not.

Agnizamaka  6 days ago
@Vikesrules911 I will be playing the beta

apathybill  5 days ago
I didnt pre order but someone sent me an invite. I may be in the beta

roved112358  5 days ago
The Division gunplay looks a little weak (compared to Destiny), and the AI looks suspect as well.

roved112358  5 days ago
I pre-orderd, so plan on playing the beta, but ...

roved112358  5 days ago
I think the whole New York in the winter may get old fast.

Agnizamaka  5 days ago
the division is a team based shooter, you will get tired when you solo it because enemies are bullet sponges.

UsArmyJess  5 days ago
I am actually really excited to play the division. I thought the trailers looked pretty cool and I intend to steal all vikes loot because he should not have married me if he did not want to share!! It should be super fun if we get the d64 guys to play together.

Agnizamaka  5 days ago
when you go rogue, your team goes rogue with you. If you try leaving your team they will get a notification before you do.

Agnizamaka  5 days ago
@roved112358 yes and no, division is more like gta online its fun with friends and not so fun when you solo because everyone wants to kill you for loot in dz i.e. PvP. PvE will get boring fast because the loot isn't that great.

Vikesrule911  5 days ago
I don't expect it to be as good as Destiny but am getting Destiny fatigue. I still want to play video games with my buddies from the100 so I am hoping The Division can help fill the void until Destiny 2 comes out.

Agnizamaka  5 days ago -- how to play the division beta

UsArmyJess  3 days ago
I got off work this am and played the division for an hour. Here are my initial thoughts. The controls are harder for me to pick up than destiny and the character movement does not feel organic- you cant just jump whenever, you must be near something to climb. The shooting is different because you are looking from behind your guy and the gun pulls to the right. The bad guys all look like the same 5 people. I liked the speed of movement and tha ability to upgrade the weapons. I have only unlocked the basic abilities so far but those seem cool. Overall the game is fun but has potential to be great if played in a group that communicates well. Any one else want to share?.

Buzzrek  3 days ago
Pretty much the same, but, I already expected all of the cover based play mechanics from watching all of the gameplay clips on YouTube. That was the gameplay concern I had - whether or not the cover based style will just become 2nd nature or if it will constantly make the game feel hampered. But, it's all a matter of opinion really. That style of gameplay is nothing new in terms of shooters. But, if you're not used to cover based then it can be a huge thing to adjust to. Multiplayer is a must. Once you head into higher level areas you simply will not survive going solo, the game is designed for group play.

UsArmyJess  3 days ago
@Buzzrek, did you clear the roof and save the doc? That would have been easier with a team rather than alone.

Buzzrek  3 days ago
Yeah took care of that. Bit disappointing that you quickly discover they only give you 1 mission per base section in the beta as well as no build up of the talents. Hopefully they open up more features soon.

Buzzrek  3 days ago
But, would have to imagine that a group of 3 or 4 heading into the darkzone will be good times.

RobDeth  2 days ago
I'm level 5 and I'm getting ready to clear the rooftop. So far, it feels very similar to Deus Ex. So far for me, I like the aesthetics and the general "zombie apocalypse" vibe. I would have to agree with @UsArmyJess though, the gun play isn't as tight and, for me, feels very disengaged. Also, no melee. No melee. There are guys with bats. No melee. Not good. I may end up picking it up anyway if there are a few people around here that want to play it regularly. Otherwise, I don't see the campaign and single player modes being able to hold up like Destiny does. That's just my initial impression though. I'll play with the crew tonight and I can get a better sense of how this game works in multiplayer.

Vikesrule911  2 days ago
For me it is too early to judge. It is unfair to compare it to Destiny though. They are so different. And let's not forget that Destiny has some pretty major flaws too.I can see a lot of potential though.

Vikesrule911  2 days ago
Two words... Dark Zone

ChuckD24  2 days ago
Dark zone is pretty dang fun.

EdHoculisBicep  2 days ago
Dark zone was awesome. I can definitely see some fun shenanigans in there.

manxgoat  2 days ago
Is it fun only because you're versus other players? Is that the key element?

RobDeth  2 days ago
Dark zone is a very interesting animal. You're only PvP if you or another team or agent are "rogue". Mostly it seems when people are extracting contaminated loot is when the rogues come out. Our team got hammered a few times at extraction points. There are still PvE elements in the Dark Zone. Pretty neat. I like it.

RobDeth  2 days ago
You can still shoot people for fun if you want. It works like GTA. You get a rogue status on your name tag and it counts down. So if you kill or shoot someone you didn't mean to, like we did a few times, can run and hide and let the heat cool off. Doesn't mean those people won't remember you though, hehe.

ChuckD24  2 days ago

UsArmyJess  yesterday
The extraction thing is intense. You never know if some one is going to shoot you!

Vikesrule911  yesterday
It really makes PvP fun for those like me that don't enjoy it usually. In most games, like Destiny, I just get slaughtered. In the Dark Zone it felt like we were all equals. It was a blast!

manxgoat  yesterday
I'd be worried that the dark zone will degenerate into a place where high skill players just lie in wait for extraction opportunities, and modest skill players hardly dare venture in.

EdHoculisBicep  yesterday
With one night in the DZ, I'd say solo play is very much discouraged. Going in with a fireteam of 4 is the best option for staying alive and keeping your loot.

ChuckD24  yesterday
I think that's why the dark zone has different levels. The high people probably won't hang out in the level 1-7 DZ since they won't get the good loot.

manxgoat  yesterday
I didn't know there were different levels in the dark zone. Probably a good idea.

UsArmyJess  yesterday
I think we could do the ps4 chat with 2 groups of 4 if extraction becomes a problem.

Buzzrek  yesterday
The DZ won't remain close to equal. You'll have players that respect the fact that going rogue means they risk losing good loot, hence avoided. But, remember this is PSN we're dealing with. Between the kids and immature adults the Dayz slaughterhouse effect will be endless if they don't implement a dynamic to discourage it. Plus you'll have players that avoid roguing until they feel that they've maxed their leveling potential. Then they'll find nothing more interesting than the hunt of lowbies.

Buzzrek  yesterday
Sounds whiney - I'm not actually complaining, just offering my 2 cents on what I think will happen. I think it just adds more weight to Jess' comment about doubling up groups of 4 due to voice chat's ability to host 8 players. Once you have relatively equal groups of 4 out there hunting each other at times, then adding more friendlies into the mix will be one of the only realistic ways to get an edge.

Buzzrek  yesterday
Also agreed that anyone trying to compare The Division to Destiny is wasting their time. These are two entirely different beasts. The only thing they have in common is shooting and leveling. That's about it. But, that doesn't mean you should avoid TD. It has a lot of potential depending on how the existing mission track and other aspects of the game turn out beyond beta.

Buzzrek  yesterday
My favorite things about the limited beta experience so far are the tension of the DZ experience, the inherent multiplayer gameplay and especially the weapon modding.

roved112358  yesterday
You think it will be possible to enter DZ with two groups of 4?

Buzzrek  yesterday
Not linked within the game. I believe that Jess was implying the use of 8 players together on PSN voice chat would allow us to coordinate 2 groups on our own. That was something that had occured to me as well while playing yesterday. The obvious issue is that you wouldn't be grouped in game. So, you'd have to go by player names. By no means simple, but, if high leveled rogue groups are intentionally hunting down other groups for their loot or just pure evil, that may one of the ways to counter.

manxgoat  yesterday
Paul Tassi's impressions of the Dark Zone:

RobDeth17 hours ago
@buzzrek, @agnizamaka and I were talking last night while playing Division and it looks like Ubi did their homework on Destiny. There's proximity chat (when you get close to someone, you can talk to cool), individual loot, a story told throughout the campaign that sheds more light on the matter at hand, fast travel, actual interesting (and brutal af) PvP that requires a team, has a nice learning curve, and is not just a total stomp fest with lag switchers galore...yep, I'm impressed. However, this is a group game. I tried solo for a bit and it's depressing in the dark zone. Solo PvE content is ok, but it's just the beta so it's very piecemeal and easily done even on hard mode after you rank up and get some purple gear. Oh yeah, you like the engram coloring system? Cool. Don't like it? Tough, The Division uses the exact same color system for all weapons and gear. While this may not be a Destiny-killer or even be remotely like Destiny, damn, they sure did their homework.

Vikesrule911  17 hours ago
I really like how you can see everyone on your friends list on the world map in The Division. Good feature. I hope The Division does really well and that forces Bungie to implement some of this stuff in Destiny 2. Think how great that game could be. Healthy competition is a good thing.

RobDeth  17 hours ago
@Vikesrule911 it's true, I hope division just wins 2016 and owns Destiny. It should force Bungie into upshifting on development. While I don't want a crappy game, it seems that pressure is the only way to get them moving.

Kipncory  15 hours ago
I'm still having a hard time seeing anything match Destiny's gunplay and physics. Everything I pick up is clunky by comparison this year

wrporter99w  15 hours ago
@Kipncory thats because since Halo, no game has done so. Bungie has been amazing at making gunplay feel correct. A head shot feels strong and solid. I have not played another FPS that felt as connected as Bungie's gameplay has.

Buzzrek  14 hours ago
@RobDeth @Vikesrule911 and anyone else interested in discussing The Division and its potential positive impact on how Bungie hopefully responds - maybe we should setup a simple forum or similar elsewhere so that these massive chat walls can be avoided. As much as I want to share my perspective about the beta experience, I don't want to highjack the chat section which isn't well suited for lengthy posts and responses. Bueller? Buller?

Buzzrek13 hours ago

CMStewart  13 hours ago
Maybe just create a game session in this group and use the session chat. Honestly, I've enjoyed reading everyone's take on The Division beta since I wasn't able to grab a beta code for this weekend.

Buzzrek13 hours ago
Good idea @CMStewart - I created a free forum. But, we'll do whatever suits everyone. I'm not looking to steer anyone away from the100 - I would have quit playing Destiny entirely and never met so many great players if it wasn't for Mike's site and especially DC64.

Based on  CMStewart's idea this event was setup for discussion at the Delta Company 64 page on -


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Join date : 2016-01-31

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